Master Email Marketing for eCommerce in 2 Days, even with No Experience…

Plus we’ll share 5 secrets to start getting more sales to scale right now.. ↓

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Dear Ecommerce Email Enthusiasts

If you want to build email flows that generate revenue on autopilot, setup systems to build your list consistently…

and maximize revenue to flood your store with purchases through email…

Then this course is going to change your life.

Here’s why:

I’m Christian, and 6 short years ago, I was broke, clueless, blasting emails and struggling to generate sales with my emails…

But every day, I woke up, tested, learned and tested some more. Staying up late to find any edge I could.

I did this 7 days a week for months on end.

Then, one day, it clicked.
Our email open rates tripled.
Clicks exploded
And our sales sky-rocketed.

Quickly we realized we could take what worked with those email flows and apply it to any account.

So that’s what we did, again and again and again.

Until we were able to generate over $200 million in revenue for 117 brands in 50+ niches in just 6 years.

We were so confident, we started telling brands we could get double their sales if they struggled to make money through email – or they didn’t pay.

And it worked every time.

So we wondered whether this strategy would work for a new brand that had never run email campaigns in their life…
(or they always relied on an agency/contractor to get results)

Enter Mayuri Baheti

As a new brand that had never run ads herself, and had been blasting emails with little to no results…

We gave her the Backend Bridges formula.

Within 4 weeks, she turned her small online store into a revenue-generating powerhouse,

She smashed through $10,000/month,

And within 3-6 months scaled up to $20,000/month

Hitting 40-70% open rates and incredibly high click through rates.

So we packaged everything we taught her, putting it into The Backend Bridges Course.

and made it affordable enough we could get it in the hands of anyone who wanted to grow their eCommerce store.

And the results were the exact same for our students.

Nothing short of spectacular.

“Our sales boosted and we generated thousands from our email flows in just 2 short months after taking Backend Bridges!” – Chris @ Nocs Provisions

“My store gained $3k per month in additional revenue in just a few weeks” – Ben @ Malama Mushrooms

It felt too good to be true but it was years of hard work being boiled down into the simplest most easy to understand format possible.

And now, it’s all yours.

So here’s what you’ll learn:

Check out the results from our students

Mayuri at MOR had been running her south-Asian inspired fashion brand for a few years hopping from one popup show and event to another

  • She plugged in our 7 High Converting Flows and within 4 weeks added 25% more revenue per month.
  • She also implemented a fraction of our website structures and boosted conversions by 200% in just 7 days.
  • Then using our backend bridges framework with her existing content she was able to achieve a 5X ROAS on ads

Chris from Nocs Provisions launched his adventure-focused binoculars brand and was sitting around $5-10k/mo

  • Using our tools, he used our eCom Email Cheatsheet and his emails assisted his ads – bringing them from 0.5X ROAS to 4X ROAS in 2 short months
  • This allowed him to seek more capital and scale with ads.

Kyle at JackHenry was stuck around $3k per month but had an amazing men's skin and hair care product line.

  • He implemented our ad structures and email systems
  • He broke through $10k/mo in just 4 weeks and
  • Scaled up to $50k/mo in just 6 months,
  • All on his own

Ben launched Malama Mushrooms, grew to 7 figures, then struggled to scale.

  • Using our email, website and LTV systems, he added a quick $3k per month in additional revenue
  • All with no additional ad spend in just 3 weeks.
  • His 7-figure brand increased sales overall by over 10% 

Tyler and his team at Denik built an amazing 8-figure brand which is not a common feat, but there was room to improve:

  • By using our email methods, his revenue increased by 20% in just 4 months.
  • Resulting in an additional $400k in revenue annually.
  • On top of that by using our email storytelling frameworks he was able to increase email revenue by 105%

Tom and Steven at Osuza had an incredible product with a vision but found it difficult to maintain consistent sales,

  • They used these systems and went from doing $17k a year, to over $17k a month
  • All in a matter of weeks using our ad structures and email systems.

Nick at Boardies built a summer fashion brand and struggled to find profit through advertising.

  • He leveraged our website conversion systems which doubled his conversion rate in under 90 days,
  • Implementing our ads and email structures allowed him to hit 2X ROAS on ads month after month, in just 14 days
  • All on his own

Kyle and Chris at Indosole had an amazing footwear brand made from recycle tire rubber. They have had great success and were looking to explore ads and better systems for their internal team.

  • Within just 2 weeks, using our core ads structures and email flows… Their open rates went from 18% to 42%. 
  • And they instantly doubled their ROAS on ads from 1.5X to 3X.
  • In 3 months their ROAS increased further to 5X, and set their pace to increase revenue by 75X

Jaymie at LngWeeknd had an incredible product with a vision but needed systems to maintain consistent revenue.

  • They used these systems and went from doing $100k a year, to over $100k a month
  • All in a matter of 6 months using our ads systems, email flows, and campaign storytelling.

Harry at Arvin Goods started an impact focused essentials fashion brand, which had proven some sales but was looking for consistency and predictability in their marketing.

  • He implemented our ads formulas and email structures, as well as the website tune-up…
  • Doubled monthly recurring revenue in 90 days.
Thank you comment from a student
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James found value from the Voya system and the Voya team
Indosole says our team will have your back. They are right!
Thank you comment from a student
James found value from the Voya system and the Voya team
Indosole says our team will have your back. They are right!
heart warming Group message

Here's what you get
when you enroll today:

Backend Bridges ecommerce email marketing course

Video Lessons on Mastering Email Marketing for eCommerce in 2 Days, even with No Experience

Limited Time: Free bonus gifts 
Our email toolkit which includes our cheatsheets, bootcamp training, 7 must-have flows, and our AI copywriter tool.

$200M Email Flow Roadmap
Conversion Story Copy Method
Join VoyaOS Community-bundle

Total Value: $1088
Yours today for only: $97 $58.20

If you're ready to triple your open rates, double your clicks, and increase your revenue from email, let's get started today.

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Save 40% Today!

One-Time Payment

100% Money Back Guarantee

6 Bonus Gifts

Best Value


3 Monthly Payments

100% Money Back Guarantee

3 Bonus Gifts

Backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee

If you don't double your email open rates after you put this course into action, email us and we'll send you a full refund, no questions asked.

We don't just teach it
we do it ourselves.

After auditing 1117 Klaviyo accounts, we’ve found that 95% of eCommerce owners were losing at least $10,000 every single month.

And many gurus out there preach how to create pretty cool (useless) emails but haven’t actually generated serious revenue with email themselves.

These are just a few of the accounts we’ve grown…

Jeremy at Oasis built his brand from the ground up using the VoyaOS methods


“My ads and emails are finally making sense. We’re crushing conversions now”

Mayuri found incredible results and gave VoyaOS a testimonial


“I now know with 99% certainty that what I put in with time or money will give me a return.” 


“Stumbling onto VoyaOS was a turning point for me. It’s changed how my audience vibes with my content. Blessed this came across my path.”

Does it actually work?

A Proven system that turns
clicks into customers and
Emails into profit.

The reviews don't stop flowing in...

“I am the type of person who usually enrolls in a thousand courses and never manages to finish them, but this course is so practical and well organized that it gave me the motivation to finish it. I recommend it for everyone who is starting or looking to scale in ecommerce.”

Mason Schrek

Owner of Pacific Overlander

“Amazing course! Well organized and crystal clear! Christian is a real master. One of the best courses I’ve ever attended!”

Valeria Tumietta

Shopify Store Owner

Stumbling onto VoyaOS was a turning point for me. Their ad game is real, and their storytelling course… It’s changed how my audience vibes with my content. Blessed this came across my path.”

Shira Yehezkel

Owner of The Crystal Bazaar

“I came to this course with the expectation of finding it similar to other “ecommerce courses” out there where they show you how to post on social, run basic ads or pick a dropshipping product to sell… But VoyaOS exceeded my expectation with it’s predefined systems that are useful and usable in real projects and not just ‘amateur‘… Thanks Christian for the awesome content. :)”

Angela Davis

Owner of FreedomX

“I absolutely loved this class! As someone who had quite a lot of prior experience in ecommerce marketing, I was skeptical, but in the end I was incredibly impressed. The way Christian taught this course was very clear and straightforward. I’m excited to continue my journey in ecom with VoyaOS at hand.”

Jeffrey Lin

Owner of ABConvert

Even the Masterclass is the real deal, no nonsense, just stuff you can actually use, but the real nuts and bolts are in the system itself. Major props to Christian and the folks at VoyaOS for the direct line to their brains and helping us make our operation smoother and bigger!

Kaine worked closely using the VoyaOS program and saw incredible results

Kaine Whiteway

Owner of SoftServe

We went from slow and overwhelming to simplified and exploding.

VoyaOS gave us awesome systems and didn’t break the bank. We were doing work with a machete, and this came in with a surgical tool.”

Ben at Malama Mushrooms gave us a raving review

Ben Lillibridge

Owner of Malama Mushrooms

“You guys are the real MVPs. Set up your automation tools and now my business is running like clockwork while I plan the next big move. Learned a lot of new tricks I never would have found without you.”

Dan Lorenz

Owner of Guerilla Franchising

“This program is truly stands out from other courses I have taken. The course is packed with excellent examples and high-quality materials, making the learning experience engaging and insightful. I finally feel like I have some direction with growing my store!

Jaymie grew LongWKND into 7 figures using these systems from VoyaOS

Jaymie Friesen

Owner of LongWKND

Any Questions?

We’ve built this course to be valuable for any stage of your ads journey. 

This course is for you if:

  • You are struggling with low open rates with your emails
  • You want to scale your email but don’t know where to start
  • You are a business or solo marketer looking for support
  • You work on a marketing team & want to bring new ideas to the table
  • You are trying to sell a product or service through email

This course is for ads managers, business owners or marketing directors all across the spectrum, from brand new, to already having a career in eCommerce. If you are looking for a roadmap to setting up a strong foundation building email flows… Plus the formula for creating high converting email content consistently, this is for you. 

Lucky for you – we have options! To get the most out of this course, we suggest working through it in one of two ways:

1. The Slow Burn (1 Week): If you prefer to take your time and learn at a slower pace, work through a lesson or two a day, along with the and the corresponding activities. It will take you about a week to complete the course at this rate.

2. The Binger (2 Day): If you prefer to binge (like a good Netflix series) we suggest splitting the lessons up across two days (making sure you are completing all of the activities as you go). 

All you need is a computer and a Smartphone to complete the course & put what you have learned into action! We will also show you how to access and use any additional resources you may want to explore.

YouTube is an incredible resource and we’ve collectively spent thousands of hours learning from it. But only 10% of that was good enough to become a daily practice that helped us grow our business and create meaningful results. On top of that, we discovered most ads strategies are overcomplicated and not sustainable for eCommerce brands.

If you continue running ads, you’re going to be paying for the information in this course no matter what, but it’s up to you whether you pay for it with thousands of hours of your time, or $97 for us to condense it for you. We’ve already made all of the mistakes so that you don’t have to. If you want to learn the ins and outs of high ROAS ad accounts FAST and skip years of finding the knowledge yourself, this course is for you.


Download the Free “7-Figure eComm Cheatsheet”!

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